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Know Your Fighter: Lachlan “Deadshot” Stitt

Eternal MMA sits down with exclusively signed athlete – Lahclan “Deadshot” Stitt for a quick-fire  Q&A ahead of his professional debut at Eternal 65. 

Age: 22 

Where were you born? 

Mackay, Queensland 

Where are you based now? 

South West Sydney 

What gym do you train out of? 

XXX Fight Academy 

Lachlan describes his fighting style as a mix of Jon Jones and Lyoto Machida.

Who are your coaches? 

My head coach is Mohamed Mousalli – AKA Coach Moey (as well as) Nathan Reddy and Zein Saliba

Where does the ‘Deadshot’ nickname come from? 

Moey gave me that, my head coach. Just from the way i finish fights, my accuracy and finishing  abilities. 

What sports and activities did you participate in growing up? 

I started Karate when I was six years old and pretty much did that up until twelve. Then i started  playing footy for a couple of years, got into MMA at about fifteen and have been on the same  journey since. 

When did you first decide to dedicate yourself to the sport of MMA? 

I finished my trade as an electrician at the start of 2021. From that point forward I’ve pretty much  committed my whole career to fighting. I do security on the weekend, run my own electrical  business on the side and just fight/ train full time. 

What can fans expect to see from you when you step inside the cage? 

Expect violence and also a quick finish. 

What do you see as your biggest strengths as a martial artist? 

Definitely my striking – my striking accuracy. 

Could you compare your style at present to a UFC athlete? 

My style would be a mix between Jon Jones and Lyoto Machida. I have a karate background and I’ve adapted that to MMA.

Who is your favourite fighter at a professional level? 

I get this question a fair bit at work. Definitely in his prime – Georges St-Pierre, all day long.

Lachlan’s ready to make waves after signing exclusively with Eternal MMA.

What belts or rankings do you currently posses as a martial artist? 

I’m a purple belt in Jiu Jitsu under Zein Saliba. 

What are some of the accolades you have achieved as a combat sports athlete? 

I have two state titles – New South Wales titles. One in kickboxing and also an MMA state title. I won  the Beast Australian Welterweight title mid last year – That was my last fight before turning pro. 

What are your goals for both the immediate and long term future as a combat sports athlete? 

Definitely work my way up the Eternal MMA rankings, get some good fights, stay active, get some  good finishes and then get my shot at the UFC. 

How do you see yourself getting your hand raised at Eternal 65? 

Definitely a KO or TKO. I’m KO’ing this guy. I can definitely see that. 

A message to the fans and your supporters? 

Jump on board now, because I’m just gonna keep going at this. I think I have a very bright future in  the sport of MMA and representing Australia world wide. We are going straight to the top.

Lachlan makes his professional MMA debut on May 7th at Eternal 65 against JayJay Te Huia.

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