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Know Your Fighter: Jarrett Wilbraham

Eternal MMA sits down with Jarrett Wilbraham for a quick-fire Q&A ahead of his sixth professional  fight at Eternal 66 against Cody Haddon. 

Age: 28 

Where were you born? 

Nowra, New South Wales. 

Where are you based now? 

In the Gold Coast – Burleigh Heads. 

What gym do you train out of? 

Potential Unlimited Mixed Martial Arts. 

Who are your coaches? 

Vincent Perry is my head coach. 

Jarrett trains under Australian MMA pioneer Vince Perry.

What sports and activities did you participate in growing up? 

I played AFL first off when I was a kid. As I went into late primary school I started to play (Rugby)  League – which I played right up until I was about fifteen or so, and then I ended up going back and  playing one season of under 18’s. 

When did you first decide to dedicate yourself to the sport of MMA? 

When I started off it was more of just something I wanted to do because I enjoyed fighting. I entered  in to a four-man eliminator, which I ended up winning. So, it was that exact moment that I won my  first pro title that I realised I was good at this. I was at that point where I was very unfamiliar with  this sport, but then it sent me down this track to chase it professionally as a career. 

In training, do you have any favourite techniques or areas that you enjoy drilling?

Striking and wrestling. 

What can fans expect to see from you when you step inside the cage? 

I would say strategy and flashiness. 

What do you see as your biggest strengths as a martial artist? 

I think I’m pretty all-rounded. I’d probably say my work ethic – how many hours I put into the sport. 

What do you consider to be your standout performance as a professional up until this point in  your career?

My last fight on Eternal (Eternal 63 – win vs Jamie Hunt). That was definitely my standout  performance because of how much I’d improved. 

Wilbraham called his Eternal 63 bout his stand-out performance.

Could you compare your style at present to a UFC athlete? 

I would just have to say Cory Sandhagen because we’re the same height in the same weight division  and it’s very rare to have someone so tall (at bantamweight). 

Do you have a favourite fighter at a professional level? 

Not really a favourite at the moment, I would have to say. 

What belts or rankings do you currently posses as a martial artist? 

I’m a blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu. Not very proud that I’m a blue belt. I did a lot of No-Gi, I’ve only just  started rolling in the Gi in the last two years, but its not something that I’m very focused on. 

What are some of the accolades you have achieved as a combat sports athlete? 

I won the Australian open wrestling tournament up here in Queensland last year. (Also) a couple of  gold medals in grappling comps. 

What are your goals for both the immediate and long-term future as a combat sports athlete? 

I want to win this fight and then I want that bantamweight title shot because I think I’m the only  bantamweight that has strung two wins together in the bantamweight division. I think I’m actually  the last bantamweight that fought, so I want to go for that title. 

How do you see yourself getting your hand raised at Eternal 66? 

I would like to get the finish by knockout, but I also like to beat people at their own game, and I  consider Cody to be an absolute workhorse with really high cardio. I think even a decision win over  him would make me look better than an actual knockout finish.

Wilbraham enjoys beating people at their own game, and plans to do the same at Eternal 66.

A message of thanks to your supporters? 

I have to give a massive thanks to Simon Black from Driftwood Shed – he donated $1300 to me  during this camp. As I live in a van to train full time, that is so helpful. Also, Cameron Birkett Electrical – Cameron Birkett donated $1000, which I can’t even express how much that’s helped. I’ve got Mirror Merch, who have been supporting me on my recovery at P3. Tankard Dental have supported  me as well as Hidden Fury. (Lastly) I couldn’t do any of this without my partner – Michaela Jensen,  she’s the glue that holds the whole dream together. 

A final message to the fans ahead of your upcoming fight at Eternal 66? 

Anyone at all that is interested in MMA, wants to get into MMA or anyone that wants to chat in  general and supports me, reach out and give me a message because I like to be in contact with my  supporters and I like to build relationships with them. Whether it’s in person or online, I have a lot of  good friends that I’ve never even met in person. So, please reach out, I’ll really appreciate that. The  support is everything, it’s the reason I do this as well as the love for it.

Jarrett can be found on YouTube and social media as a co-host for the “Punch Drunk MMA” podcast with Chris Ferguson and ElkMeat MMA, as well hosting his own YouTube podcast – “The Life’s Like Podcast”.

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