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Dallas Denniss, Eternal MMA

Know Your Fighter: Dallas Denniss

Full Name:

Dallas Denniss



Where were you born:

Darwin, Australia

Where do you live:

Sunshine Coast, Australia

Which gym do you train out of:

Combat Lab Martial Arts

Who are your coaches:

Joel Szepesvary

What belts or rankings do you currently posses as a martial artist:

Blue Belt in Jiu Jitsu

What sports or activities did you participate in growing up:

I grew up doing various martial arts like taekwondo and kyokushin karate but never stuck to it as a kid. I was pretty athletic growing up and tried out heaps of different sports on and off like basketball, AFL and rugby but never stuck to them.

When did you begin to take MMA seriously as a hobby and then as a potential profession:

Not until my 3rd armature fight. People would always ask me what I wanted to get out of fighting, why I did it and where I wanted to go with it. I would always reply with “I’m just taking it as it comes and having fun” but now I’m fully aware of my potential and I’m committed to becoming one of the best.

Favourite aspect of training or favourite session of the week, and why:

my favourite session is the strength and conditioning circuit, I love the challenge and the pain that comes with it, I love the feeling of having to push the extra mile to get the work done.

What are your greatest strengths as an athlete or a fighter:

my dedication to the sport and my training. I pride myself on being able to train while everyone else is resting on a Sunday. While people sleep in I’m getting better and mastering my craft.

How would you describe your fighting style:

im not just a striker, a grappler or a wrestler. I’m a mixed martial artist and that what i train to be. I want to be able to stand with the best, wrestle with the best and roll with the best. This is a never ending journey of mastery.

What is your favourite sport and why:

MMA because there’s a never ending amount of information and skills to learn. You’ll never run out of things to learn and techniques to practice. It’s a life long journey that will never get boring.

Who is your favourite athlete:

Georges St-Pierre

Who is your favourite combat sports athlete:

It’s always changing but as of now Retired – GSP Active – Corey Sandhagen

What are your immediate and long term goals:

I want to become a complete mixed martial artist and have no weaknesses anywhere in my game. I want to fight as much as I can while I have youth on my side and eventually become a multi division champion.

When fans see your name on a fight poster, what should they expect:

They should expect fast paced, controlled chaos. A fight full of highlights.

How do you see your upcoming fight playing out:

I believe wherever the fight plays out, that’s where I beat him. I don’t think he’s on my level

A final message to any friends, family and supporters:

I hope I can put on a show for the fans and also do my family and mates proud, the people closest to me know how much i put into these fight camps so thank you to those who are by my side and supporting me all the way

Where will any fans or supporters be able to find you socials:

Instagram: @daldimadome

Facebook: Dallas Denniss

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