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Know Your Fighter: Connor Downey

Full Name:

Connor Downey



Where were you born:


Where do you live:


Which gym do you train out of:

Sydney West Martial Arts

Who are your coaches:

Luke Martin

What belts or rankings do you currently possess as a martial artist:

Karate black belt BJJ purple belt

What sports or activities did you participate in growing up:

Growing up I did karate with my dad. It gave him a good excuse to be able to hit me and it not be child abuse.

When did you begin to take MMA seriously as a hobby and then as a potential profession:

In my first fight I took a bit of a beating but I fell in love with the rush that came along with it. That’s probably the point when I started to take it seriously.

Favourite aspect of training or favourite session of the week, and why:

My favourite session would definitely be sparring. It’s always a lot of fun to pressure test new things you’re working on.

What are your greatest strengths as an athlete or a fighter:

Being able to find ways to win from any position

How would you describe your fighting style:

Weird and wonderful

What is your favourite sport and why:

MMA. There’s really no other option.

Who is your favourite athlete:


Who is your favourite combat sports athlete:


What are your immediate and long term goals:

Immediate goal would be to turn pro and start racking up some wins. Long term I’ll just see where it takes me.

When fans see your name on a fight poster, what should they expect:

Highlight reel finishes

How do you see your upcoming fight playing out:

I’ll be getting my hand raised.

A final message to any friends, family and supporters:

Have a beer ready for me after the fight

Where will any fans or supporters be able to find you socials:

Instagram: @connordowney98

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