Eternal MMA 66: Perth
The event is finished.
Ticket purchase policy: no refunds for tickets. Tickets can be transferred to another event.
Book out the weekend with your mates for an action-packed night of MMA with Eternal.
Always sold out prior to doors opening, so don’t miss out and secure your tickets now.
Follow Eternal MMA on Instagram/Facebook to get the latest fight announcements, news and more.
There’s no better way to watch MMA fights other than live at Eternal.
Premium seating with food and drink packages.
Get the ultimate experience with the Eternal VIP packages.
Menu is a sample only and subject to change.
View the action from our signature red seats in a VIPs only private area in the stands.
Our VIP package includes beer, wine and soft drinks plus a burger, chips and ice cream.
4-hour drink package includes:
- Tatachilla Sparkling
- West Cape Howe Semillon Sauvignon Blanc
- West Cape Howe Cabernet Merlot
- Colonial Small Ale
- Colonial Pale Ale
- Colonial Kolsch Draught
- Colonial Bertie Cider
- Soft drinks
- Sparking water
- Coffee & tea (on request)

Fightcard subject to change without prior notice. E&OE.
Ticket purchase policy: no refunds for tickets.
Tickets can be transferred to another event.