Full Name:
Owen Tincombe
Where were you born:
Where do you live:
Bibra Lake
Which gym do you train out of:
Scrappy MMA
Who are your coaches:
Ryan Gray and Ben Vickers
What belts or rankings do you currently possess as a martial artist:
Blue belt in BJJ
What sports or activities did you participate in growing up:
Aussie rules and TKD. I also rode BMX, and it destroyed my shins.
When did you begin to take MMA seriously as a hobby and then as a potential profession:
I began to take fighting seriously as soon as I trained for the first time. I got absolutely smashed, but I felt incredible afterward. I remember feeling extremely lightheaded after my first session as I tried way too hard to fight the chokes. From there, I became obsessed with the idea of being the best I could possibly be at this. Since then, I have stuck at it consistently, only taking breaks if I have no choice. I have done this for too long and learned too much to quit.
Favourite aspect of training or favourite session of the week, and why:
Just being present at the gym with the Scrappy team is always a great vibe and will never fail to improve my day.
What are your greatest strengths as an athlete or a fighter:
I consider my strength to be my well-roundedness as a fighter. If striking doesn’t work for me, then grappling can and vice versa.
How would you describe your fighting style:
I ask myself this a lot. I only aim to be entertaining and to also finish the fight. I do not want to leave a win to the judges. To me, that is not a win.
What is your favourite sport and why:
Ice hockey is fun to watch. When they throw down, it’s just a bonus.
Who is your favourite athlete:
Eliud Kipchoge
Who is your favourite combat sports athlete:
Justin Gaethje
What are your immediate and long-term goals:
Immediate goal is to put in less than 15 mins of work next Saturday. After that, I plan to finish off my apprenticeship as a mechanic before I look for another matchup.
When fans see your name on a fight poster, what should they expect:
Chaos and maybe a couple of low-IQ moments.
How do you see your upcoming fight playing out:
Chaos and maybe a couple of low-IQ moments.
A final message to any friends, family, and supporters:
“You fans tune in, I never let you down until now, I won’t start.” – Tito Ortiz
Where will any fans or supporters be able to find you on socials:
Instagram: @owenjtin
Watch Owen Tincombe fight at Eternal MMA 93 on Saturday, February 22.