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Know Your Fighter: Annie Thatcher

Full Name:

Annie Thatcher



Where were you born:

Traralgon, Victoria

Where do you live:

Perth, WA

Which gym do you train out of:

LCA (Luistro Combat Academy) & ACSA (Australian Combat Sports Academy)

Who are your coaches:

Denis Kelly & Romel Luistro

What belts or rankings do you currently possess as a martial artist:

Purple belt BJJ

What sports or activities did you participate in growing up:

I loved all sports growing up but was never very good at anything, dancing, netball, tennis, basketball, anything I could get into because I loved being active.

When did you begin to take MMA seriously as a hobby and then as a potential profession:

I started training in Muay Thai and BJJ never with the intention to compete, just wanted a new hobbie. But I loved training so much, a few days a week turned into every day of the week, until I thought I might as well compete for fun. It wasn’t until after a few amateur fights and winning GAMMA worlds in Singapore it sunk in that I might be pretty good at MMA and should turn pro.

Favourite aspect of training or favourite session of the week, and why:

Other than seeing Quillan regularly. I love drilling and learning, I could drill and listen to what my coaches have to say all day. I don’t have a favourite session, I love all grappling and striking. My favourite thing is getting to spend time with people that love the same sport.

What are your greatest strengths as an athlete or a fighter:

I don’t look very scary, just a typical white girl, so I think my greatest strength is that people underestimate me. I also think my greatest strengths are the ability to listen, learn, take feedback and implement new things into my fighting. I self reflect a lot, analyse, very focused on fight IQ and troubleshooting.

How would you describe your fighting style:

I started grappling and striking at the same time, and love them both equally, so my style is pretty well rounded and adaptable. I fight like I date, come on too strong, suffocate people, then end it quickly because I can’t be bothered putting in too much effort for a long time.

What is your favourite sport and why:

MMA, it’s exciting, unpredictable, always evolving, has so many different aspects to it so it’s always interesting.

Who is your favourite athlete:

I don’t follow sports other than MMA, my favourite UFC fighter is Volk. I love Volk because he used to be a lot heavier when he played rugby and started training in MMA around the same age I did. So I can resonate with that having a weight loss journey and starting the sport pretty late in life. It’s nice to see someone’s journey have similarities to your own.

Who is your favourite combat sports athlete:

Favourite combat sports athletes in the whole WORLD Quillan Salkilld & Cody Haddon, the team comes first. Plus, they’re genuinely great people that help me a lot, they have the best worth ethic, and deserve great things.

What are your immediate and long term goals:

My only goal short and long term is to be happy, this sport makes me happy that’s why I do it. People get annoyed at me because I don’t have any specific goals like “get into the UFC” I just love to train and fight. It’s up to my manager Jasmin to sort out where it goes.

When fans see your name on a fight poster, what should they expect:

They can expect a fight that shows various skills and a lot of pressure, not afraid to take the fight anywhere. Also that I’ll probably bleed, even if I dominate in the first round I always somehow end up bleeding from stupid things like dragging my head on the cage.

How do you see your upcoming fight playing out:

I think there will be some fun striking exchanges, it’s two very determined girls that take their training very seriously, it think it will be a good display of how far WMMA has come in Australia and New Zealand.

A final message to any friends, family and supporters:

Give me hugs, all the hugs. I love you all. I’m the luckiest girl in the world because of the people I get to have in my life.

Where will any fans or supporters be able to find you socials:

Instagram – Anniethatchermma

Watch Annie Thatcher fight at Eternal MMA 84 on Friday May 24 live and exclusive via

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